How to add a field?

Draw a field boundary and add field information

What is a field?

A field is an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture.

Add a field

  • After successfully creating your season, you will be able to add your fields
  • Click on “Fields” in the left side bar
  • Select “Add Field”

1. Draw field boundaries

  • Zoom in on the map to the field you would like to create/add
  • Click on the boundary of your field on the map to start drawing your field
  • Click on the map again to add a point(s) to the field boundary
  • Click on the start point or double click on the last point to complete the field boundary
  • If you would like to adjust or move one of the boundary points, you can click on the point and click again to drag it to the correct position.
  • If you wish to redraw the boundary, just click “Undo” in the right top corner

2. Add field information

  • Fill in the name of your field
  • Choose from the “Crop” dropdown menu the crop name you have planted on this field: e.g. Lemons
  • Choose from the “Cultivar/Variety” dropdown menu the cultivar/variety name of your crop: e.g. Eureka
  • If a “Cultivar/Variety” is not available from the dropdown menu you can add your own cultivar/variety
  • Select your planting date on the date picker
  • Select the expected harvest date on the date picker
  • On-Track calculates the hectares for the field you have drawn on the map, this automatically calculated value can be edited if required.
  • Fill in the “Plant spacing” (how far apart the plants have been planted from another in the same row)
  • Fill in the “Row spacing” (how far apart the rows are from each other)
  • On-Track calculates the “Total Plant Count” based on the values entered. This automatically calculated value can be edited if required.
  • Click on “Save” at the top to create your field
  • Repeat this process should your farm consist of multiple fields.
Add a new cultivar/variety
  1. Click on “Fields” in the left side bar
  2. Select “Add Field”
  3. Choose from the “Crop Type” dropdown menu the type of crop you have planted on this field: e.g. FRUIT: CITRUS or FRUIT: STONE-FRUITS
  4. Choose from the “Crop” dropdown menu the crop name you have planted on this field: e.g. Grapefruit
  5. Choose from the “Cultivar/Variety” dropdown menu the cultivar/variety name of your crop, if you can’t find the cultivar/variety you are looking for click on “Add new cultivar/variety”
  6. Fill in the new “Cultivar/Variety” name
  7. Click on “Save” to save the cultivar/variety
  8. This cultivar/variety will be visible for you in the “Cultivar/variety” searchable dropdown in the future

Edit a field

  • Click on “Fields” in the left side bar
  • Click on the field name you wish to edit
  • Edit field information: You will now be able to edit the field info: e.g. field name, crop type, crop, cultivar/variety, expected harvest date etc.
  • Edit field boundary: Click on “Edit Boundaries” in the right top corner of the map to edit your field’s boundaries
  • If you would like to adjust or move one of the boundary points, you can click on the point and click again to drag it to the correct position.
  • Click “Save” to save your changes to the field

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