How can I create an instruction?

Create, edit or delete an instruction

What is an instruction?

An instruction is a program or recommendation that includes detailed information (e.g. operators, fields, products, calibrations, PPE, product mixtures) on how to execute a specific activity (e.g. spraying) on the farm. To view or create an instruction, you will need to be assigned to a seat/On-Track subscription. See How to redeem a voucher and How to assign a seat to a user.

Create an instruction

  • Click on “Instructions” on the left side bar
  • Click on “Create Instruction” at the right top corner

Step 1, complete the “Details” section

  • Choose the “Instruction” type from the dropdown menu
  • Choose or search the “Application method” from the searchable dropdown menu
  • Select the “Planned date” for the instruction from the date picker
  • On-Track automatically suggests an “Instruction number”, however you are able to override the suggested instruction number if required
  • Fill in the “Recommended by” field to indicate who the consultant/advisory person/company was who provided you with the application recommendation. Normally, this person is qualified to provide phytosanitary product application recommendations
  • Choose from the “Issued by” dropdown menu who the responsible person is in the team to compile this instruction, e.g. the farm manager or owner 
  • Choose from the “Operator” dropdown menu who in the team will be responsible to execute this instruction (you can select multiple operators per instruction)
  • Fill in the “Notes” if the operator should take note of additional information/step relating to mixing or execution of this instruction

Step 2, complete the “Fields” section

  • Choose from the “Field name” dropdown menu the field(s) on which this instruction needs to be performed
  • The rest of the field information will pull through from your “Fields” database, ensure it is correct and completed before continuing

Step 3, complete the “Products” section

  • Search for the relevant product in the “Product” searchable dropdown menu (If you can’t find the product you are looking for, you can add your own products, see: “How to add your own product”)
  • On-Track automatically pre-populates the active ingredient of the product 
  • Search for the relevant “Reason” in the searchable dropdown menu to indicate the reason for using this product
  • Fill in the “Dose rate” to indicate how much of the product needs to be used
  • Select the correct measurement unit from the dropdown menu
  • Fill in the “Pre-harvest Interval” days as indicated on the product brochure
  • On-Track calculates the “First harvestable date” taking in account the planned date of this instruction and the pre-harvest interval period you have provided in correlation with the expected harvest dates of the selected fields.
  • If the calculated “First harvestable date” is problematic due to the Pre-harvest interval, a red warning block will appear around the “First harvestable date”
Add your own products

On-Track have integrated with Homologa’s Plant Protection Products (PPP) database. The product list provided by Homologa is updated regularly and contains most but not of all registered PPP in each country. We currently have Homologa PPP data for South Africa, Italy and Spain. If you find that the product you are looking for is not part of this database you are welcome to add your own products.

  • During the “Create instruction” process you can add your own products
  • First search for the relevant product in the “Product” searchable dropdown menu
  • If you can’t find the product you are looking for click on “Add own product” in the dropdown menu
  • Fill in all the relevant product information: e.g. Product type, Registration number, Trade name & Active ingredient
  • Click on “Add” to save the product
  • This product will be visible in your product search in the future
Add your own reasons
  • During the “Create instruction” process you can add your own reasons
  • First search for the relevant reason in the “Reason” searchable dropdown menu
  • If you can’t find the reason you are looking for click on “Add new reason” in the dropdown menu
  • Fill in all the relevant “Reason”
  • Click on “Add” to save the reason
  • This reason will be visible in your “Reason” list in the future

Step 4, complete the “Calibrations” section

  • Choose from the “Calibration name” dropdown menu the calibration(s) which will be used to perform this instruction
  • The rest of the calibration information will pull through from your “Calibrations” database, ensure it is correct and fully filled in before continuing
  • Take note, if you choose more than one calibration the delivery rate needs to be the same (On-Track filters the list according to the first selected calibrations delivery rate)

Step 5, complete the “Personal protection equipment” section

  • Select by clicking on the relevant “mixing equipment” icons to indicate which equipment should to be worn by the operator/person responsible during the mixing of the products
  • Select by clicking on the relevant “application equipment” icons to indicate which equipment should to be worn by the operator while applying the product mixture in field

Step 6, review and ensure the pre-populated “Product Mixture” is correct

On-Track automatically calculates
  • the amount of water and products to be used to complete the full instruction as well as the per tank capacity.
  • the concentration of the products for your safety‍
  • Please ensure that this information is correct before you “Create” the instruction

Step 7, upon successfully completing all the sections, you can create the instruction by clicking on “Create and Print”

If you want to print the job card already) or on “Create” (if you want to create now and print the job card at a later stage. The instruction will be visible on the "Instruction Page” and  the status of the instruction will be "Planned"

Edit an instruction

  • The operator/responsible person needs to fill in the actuals on the Job Card to be able to complete the following steps.
  • Click on “Instructions” on the left side bar
  • Search for the instruction on which you would like to record the actuals
  • Click on the menu options (3 dot menu button) on the relevant instruction and choose “Record”
  • Fill in the amount of “Water used” while performing this instruction
  • Choose the “Start time and date” on the date and time picker
  • Choose the “End time and date” on the date and time picker
  • Choose the average “Temperature” interval which were present while performing the instruction
  • Choose the average “Weather” conditions which were present while performing the instruction
  • Click on “Record” to record the actual execution values of the instruction. 
  • Take note: you will not be able to edit this instruction after completing the record actuals
  • The instruction will be visible on the "Instruction Page” and  the status of the instruction will be "Completed”

Delete an instruction

  • Click on “Instructions” on the left side bar.
  • Navigate/search the the instruction which you wish to delete
  • Click on the menu options (3 dot menu button) and select “Delete”
  • If you are sure you want to delete this instruction, select “Delete” on the warning modal otherwise “Cancel”
  • Take note: Only the Account Holder will be able to delete instructions

Can’t find the right answer?

Fill in the contact form or send us an email at and we will get back to you within 2-3 business days