How to record application actuals on an instruction?

Record application actuals per field

Follow these steps

  1. The operator/responsible person needs to fill in the actuals on the Job Card to be able to complete the following steps.
  2. Click on “Instructions” on the left side bar
  3. Search for the instruction on which you would like to record the actuals
  4. Click on the menu options (3 dot menu button) on the relevant instruction and choose “Record”
  5. Fill in the amount of “Water used” while performing this instruction
  6. Choose the “Start time and date” on the date and time picker
  7. Choose the “End time and date” on the date and time picker
  8. Choose the average “Temperature” interval which were present while performing the instruction
  9. Choose the average “Weather” conditions which were present while performing the instruction
  10. Click on “Record” to record the actual execution values of the instruction. 
  11. Take note: you will not be able to edit this instruction after completing the record actuals
  12. The instruction will be visible on the "Instruction Page” and  the status of the instruction will be "Completed”

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