How to reset my password?

Change or update password

Follow these steps

  1. Open your preferred desktop browser
  2. Click on the “Log in” button on On-Track’s public website or click on the following link
  3. Click on “Forgot your password?”
  4. Fill in your mobile number (e.g. country code as prefix without “+” sign - e.g. 27711173545)
  5. Click on “Reset Password”
  6. You will receive an SMS with a new temporary password and be redirected to the log in page
  7. Fill in your mobile number (as described above)
  8. Fill in your temporary password which you received via SMS
  9. Click on “Sign in” to proceed
  10. On-Track will now request to change your password to your preferred choice (please consider the criteria the password must meet displayed on-screen)
  11. Upon entering and confirming your new password, click on “Set password”
  12. You will now be logged into On-Track successfully

Can’t find the right answer?

Fill in the contact form or send us an email at and we will get back to you within 2-3 business days